Center for Christ's Ambassadors +27 87 015 0285, Warveley Park Hall, Cnr Scott and Sterling street, Waverley, Johannesburg, 2190

Active Ministries and Services

Center for Christ's Ambassadors

1 Corinthians 12:12-27 (ESV)For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.

We are Christ's Ambassadors

2 Corinthians 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” (ESV)

Services Ministry

Revelation 7:15

Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who is on the throne will shelter them with his presence.

Every week we gather in God’s presence as His body to celebrate Him, to feed and replenish ourselves with the Word of God and prayers and to fellowship with one another as members of one spiritual and physical family. We believe in the power of unity and togetherness, in prayers and in fellowship as values of the Kingdom of God. Through our Worship & Praise, Ushers and Leadership teams, we are dedicated to offering a warm and welcoming environment and a quality and refreshing time in the presence of the Lord, at every gathering. We endeavor to allowing the Holy Spirit to connect peoples’ hearts to God our Father and to glorifying the person of our Lord Jesus-Christ in peoples’ lives.

Come and join us at Waverley Park Hall, Cnr Scott and Sterling street, Waverley, Johannesburg, 2190:

  1. On Thursdays from 18.30-20.00 for Intercession prayers where we lay our burdens, requests and petitions to the God who answers the prayers of His people.
  2. On Sundays from 9.00-10.30 (1st Service) and from 10.45-12.15 (2nd Service) where we celebrate our God and receive teachings of His Word for our spiritual growth and Life sustainment.
  3. On Fridays and Saturdays evenings, on ad-hoc basis, for special programs such as conferences, seminars, workshops, teachings, and other planned activities. Check our social media platforms for our regular monthly program updates.

Intercession Ministry

Prayer is the lifeblood of a Christian life. As children of God, we communicate with God and impact all realms through prayers.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says: “Pray without ceasing.”

We believe in and have testified on the power of continuous prayers to change situations, circumstances, outcomes and to bring in existence what is not yet seen.

Ezekiel 22:30 (ESV):

“And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.”

Our intercession team of prayer warriors is dedicated to praying and interceding for the church ministry and people according to their needs and to the direction sought or received from the Holy Spirit.

We pray for our needs and for the needs of others, and intercede for the needs of families, communities and nations of the world. James 5:16b (ESV): “…The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

Evangelism and Outreach Ministry

Mathew 28:19-20:

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[b] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

The evangelism ministry is in charge of putting in place strategies for reaching out and winning people to Jesus-Christ, integrating them in the church community and making them Christ’s disciples. We organize and execute outreach activities and events to share the Love of God towards the World through practical deeds and to present the Gospel of salvation to all mankind.”

Home Cells

As a church we are organized in home cells that are spread across the large city of Johannesburg. Home cells are an important part of the life of the church as it offers a platform of proximity and closeness among people living close by, and allows them to have quality times of prayer, worship, word-sharing and fellowship on a weekly basis and that that will bring about spiritual growth and depth in the personal knowledge of God to each person. Our home cells are God’s Kingdom’s representations and points of presence of the church in a given location.” We currently have home cells in the following locations, with the contact numbers: Berea, Fourways, Kelvin, Lombardy, Midrand, Randburg, Regent’s Park, Windsor-East, Windsor-West, Yeoville; and we will continue to open home cells in locations where needs and demands arise.

Finances & Social Development

This department is in charge of the planning of church and availing resources to allow the church and ministries to function effectively, expand and grow in the fulfillment of the church mission.It comprises the following functions:

Accounting & Financial Planning: This function looks after all financial aspects of the church, including Accounting, bookkeeping, financial and resource planning and reporting.

Projects and Partners: This function looks after the initiatives and resources needed to allow the church to expand, develop and grow towards accomplishing its mission.

Social development: This function, though not yet fully implemented, will look after the means required to support individual peoples’ development and empowerment in the society. It also looks for means to allow the church have a meaningful impact on the community that is in line with its mission.


The Administration team runs with the day to day operation of the church by covering the below functions:
  • Planning of activities and events within the church: Consolidate the report from the different and published for leadership consumption
  • Manage Resources for the different activities: ensure proper budget Allocation, manage budget allocated for the different activities
  • Manage communication with internal and external stakeholders
  • Manage all the logistical Aspect within the organization
  • Ensure Media coverage of the different activities through the different platforms


Our Men’s group named “Sons of Abraham” focuses on connecting with Men of all walks of Life and supporting and empowering one another in all aspects of life, to bring about effective Christian manhood in society and in the church, in accord with biblical values.


Our Women’s group named “Women of distinction” connects and bonds women together through prayers, counselling, teachings and fellowship activities that support and empower them into being pillars of their households and families, of the church, and of the society and community.

Couples & preparation to marriage

Couples are the foundation of our families. Through couples’ meetings we share experiences and exchange practical advices through specialized teachings and free sharing that help strengthen couples’ relationships and lives. We organize refreshing couples’ outings and meetings that inspire and bond couples together. We also offer effective teachings that prepare young couples to their planned marriages, sharing with them foundational biblical principles and practical experience and wisdom that will allow them to live heaven on earth in their marriage life.


Our Youth ministry called “Arrow Ministry” is a platform where young boys and girls regularly meet in fellowship and share quality time in prayers and worship, in enriching discussions and debates around issues of our modern lives, and where their receive teachings, advices and guidance for their life based on biblical principles and values. The platform is aimed at helping our young people to build a Christian character that will help them make the right decisions that allow them to fulfill their Godly purpose and be a channel that God will use to connecting more young people to the Kingdom of God.


The Center for Christ’s Ambassadors’ children ministry focuses on raising our children in Christ’s likeness from a young age. We are intentional in communicating Christian values to our children and in imprinting Christ’s character in them to maximize their God-given potential. We want to partner with and equip parents to raise a generation of children who discover, develop and nurture their gifts and talents. Our Sunday school offers classes for children from age 2 to 12 and an adequate environment and care during Sunday services.